3 min readAug 4, 2021

What is the VSFW Edition?

KamaGang: The VSFW Edition is a special collection against KamaGang’s Art Censorship (and other artworks suffering from the same issue). Community Grant Collectible of 3,163 unique editions with proof of ownership stored on Ethereum blockchain.

KamaMama presents this community grant collectible for her beloved hodlers who stand by KamaGang all the way. Please visit: https://kamagang.com/ to grab your free grant (only by paying gas). Also you are more than welcome to visit our main collectible KamaGang via https://opensea.io/collection/thekamagang

We present this collection to you in order to honor those who have supported us from the very beginning. As craftsmen and artists, we have never believed in censorship in any field of art. In our eyes, everyone is free to express their opinion and art openly, and it is up to the person to decide whether they like what is being performed or whether it is safe. This view is individual and cannot be generalized. This collection has been prepared to prevent others from encountering the misfortunes that happened to us in such an internet age, and it aims to give importance to the worldview of us artists and collectors, and to draw attention to this issue, as those who decide on censorship…


  • Why did you create this project? What’s the purpose of the collection?

We wanted to thank and reward our supporters and protest art censorship in general. Thank you for being a part of KamaGang family.

  • What happens if I don’t claim the NFT?

It’s completely up to you, claiming the NFT is not an obligation. If you don’t claim it and sell your Kama, the ownership of the VSFW Edition goes to the buyer. They can choose to claim it or not.

  • I hold 50 KamaGang NFT’s; can I claim 50 VSFW Edition NFT’s at once?

No, you can only claim the ones you select from the website. https://kamagang.com/ (See the screenshot below)

  • How do I claim VSFW Edition?

Go to kamagang.com. Connect your Metamask wallet. Load your Kamas. Check the box for VSFW Edition you want to claim and click “Claim VSFW Edition”. Approve on Metamask wallet for paying the gas fee.

  • Can we sell them?

The NFT belongs to you. You can list or keep them as you like.

  • Do I pay anything when claiming my NFT?

You only need to pay for the gas fee. VSFW Edition is free. You can check gas prices via https://ethgasstation.info/ and claim accordingly.

  • Can we get voxel files as well?

No, voxel files are only available for the KamaGang NFTs.

  • Does my KamaGang NFT’s rarity score effect my VSFW NFT?

No, it’s all random. For example, if you own an Origins couple, it won’t guarantee you getting a rare VSFW NFT.

  • Are there Origins in this collection?

No, there are no Origins in this collection. The NFT’s are tagged as hardcorn and softcorn, based on the Kama characters’ color palettes.

  • Will the VSFW Edition be included in the NFT staking program?

We’ll perform an algorithmic work on this matter if claiming exceeds 50%.

  • How to mint VSFW NFTs through the contract (if your Kamas won’t load on our website)

1. Go to https://etherscan.io/address/0xcd09b28e0d5ecc4c3ee4314e92d659738def5a6e#writeContract

2. Click on Connect to Web3

3. Connect your Metamask Wallet

4. Click on claimToken

5. Insert 0 below claimToken — — Insert your Kama IDs below tokenIds ( ex: [0,1,2,3] ) please insert max 10 IDs

Website: https://www.kamagang.com/

Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/thekamagang

Discord: https://discord.gg/ZsgJVyY4NN

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thekamamama

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thekamagang




Kamas are the kinkiest generated NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain! They are pretty sexy, but they are clever and sneaky too!